The Aspen mini Log is one of our most affordable pieces of lasered awesomeness we create. It is simple, yet elegant and has an effective 6" by 2" laser engravable area. The Aspen mini Log has a flat bottom so it won’t roll around your desk or trophy case. It will always stare at you with a perfect angle to remind you of how awesome you are.
The Aspen mini Log is the youngest brother to the larger Aspen Medium Log and the super dooper sized Aspen LARGE Log. So if you are looking for something larger but equally awesome, officiate a click their direction and satisfy your inner Ren & Stimp fetish — Blammo!
Example Uses for the Aspen mini Log:
Inspired from our MOM MEATLOAF mothers day gift from 2014, this product has taken a dramatic turn of awesomeness once we added the flat bottom. If we were to rate the Aspen mini Log on a scale from Bowling Trophy to Advanced LED Beetle Kill Backer Award, the Aspen mini Log is a spare on a 7-10 split.